Industral landscape


I define Industrial landscape as:

A depiction of a landscape in which there is a very significant trace of human alteration of the landscape, either by the construction of (heavy) industry facilities or by a visible significant use industry during the landscape transformation.

This site is for myself, as someone who wants to document such landscapes in my country, and for other people who are interested in industry and its impact on its surroundings. The goal of my efforts will be to create a comprehensive work that depicts the impact of industry on the landscape we live in in the current time.

The main era of heavy industry is long gone, but the facilities from that time are still part of our landscape in certain places. There are also places where the landscape has been completely altered by heavy industry, river courses have been moved, square kilometres of earth have been relocated. Although heavy industry is in decline, we still rely on it for the most part for energy, for transport. Dilapidated plants are being demolished, falling into disrepair, or being repurposed. I want to capture this condition in our landscape.

But I don't want to just focus on the disappearing heavy industry. Our economy is now held together by car assembly or trade. I don't want to take pictures of automotive plants, that is repugnant to me, the current automotive industry has no heart, and I don't want to support their toxic work environment. But still, these plants are a huge part of our lives, I should try to find a way to capture them in an interesting way maybe. It's easier with trade, the backbone of it is logistics, and there are huge logistics centres everywhere now, and there's an interesting dystopian quality to their photos.

What I should do

What I shouldn't do

What form should I do